Laboratory for Fusion of Artificial Intelligence to Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (AIB) is a research laboratory within the Department of Computing and Informatics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo.

Research Interests

The core competence of AIB resides in the interface between artificial intelligence technologies, bioinformatics and biomedical engineering, particularly in the application of high-throughput genomics technologies, such as gene, miRNA and protein microarrays, and DNA sequences to problems of clinical importance, such as the discovery and development of biomarkers for cancer diagnosis, prognosis and personal treatment optimization.

We  develop, implement and   apply  new  algorithms and  approaches  in the process of  modeling and simulation  from numerical, symbolic, textual and  image data  for :

- the analysis of high through-put molecular data to support the diagnosis and treatment of diseases,
- image analysis,
- estimation of data quality and data importance,
- statistical data analysis, and
- interactions of various parameters.

In general, our group has multidisciplinary approach in solving of interdisciplinary problems and because of that we collaborate with researchers within and outside of our University.


Our goals are:

- to  bridges gaps between medicine, genomics technologies, statistics and bioinformatics using fusion of artificial intelligence methods,
- to acquire expertise in a broad range of studies, and solutions, including cancer subtype classification and biomarkers selection,
- to bring  together researchers with similar interests from  medicine, molecular biology, calculus, statistics,  pharmacy and bioinformatics with the aim to create a framework for developing of  predictive models, simulators  and systems  in order to improve the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of cancer disease in clinical    environments,
- to be included in the scientific operation, collaboration and coordination of internal and external large research projects,
- to continually push back the horizons of knowledge with novel ideas, methods and solutions.


Global approach based on microarray, miRNA and cell signaling pathways using fusion of artificial intelligence methods, bioinformatics knowledge and biomedical engineering incorporated with clinical research laboratories to improve early diagnosis, survival prognosis, treatment monitoring and innovative methods for cancer treatment in personalized medicine.