



The fight against cancer is a marathon and requires the integration  of multidisciplinary knowledge and involvement of various scientists

Prof. Zikrija Avdagic D.Sc.

Fulbrighter 2001/2002




Zikrija Avdagic received the B.Sc., M.Sc. and D.Sc. degrees from the University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Electrical Engineering. He conducted his doctoral research at the University of Stuttgart. Today, he is professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department for Computing and Informatics and lectures at graduate and postgraduate studies covering field on Artificial Intelligence and Bioinformatics. The focuses of his research are methods, and algorithms dealing with Fuzzy Logic Computing, Neural Network Computing, Evolutionary Computation, Biomedical Engineering, Decision Support Systems and Real Time Systems. In cooperation with fellow colleagues throughout world’s universities (UNCC Charlotte-U.S.A., Uni Erlangen-Nuernberg-BDR, Uni Paderborn-BDR, Uni Stuttgart, Bristol-UK, University of Ljubljana-Slovenia, University of Malardalen-Sweden, University of Griffith-Australia), he has realized collaborations with results published in Proceedings, Journals and Books related to index databases (PubMed-MEDLINE, IEEExplorer, Inspec, Ebesco, Mathscinet, ACM Digital Library and Eurographics). D.Sc. Avdagic is a recipient of numerous awards including WUS and DAAD grants, SOROS and UNESCO-foundation. In 2001 he was awarded the Fulbright Scholarship for research in Genetic Algorithms in Solving Complex Engineering Problems. In 2009 he was awarded University of Sarajevo Prize for the Best Professor. At the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Professor Avdagic founded the research group for the Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics & Biomedical Engineering in 2007, and the Intelligent Control Laboratory in 2001. In 2007, D.Sc. Avdagic founded the IEEE-Chapter: Computational Intelligence under the IEEE-Bosnia and Herzegovina Section.



  Associate. Prof. Samir Omanović D.Sc.

Research Areas: Software Engineering, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing


Latest three references:
- Omanovic S., Buza E.: Importance of Stable Velocity in Agile Maintenance, XXIV International Conference on Information, Communication and Automation Technologies (ICAT) 2013 Sarajevo. IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1391G-USB. ISBN: 978-1-4799-0430-3. Paper ID: 25. Indexation by: IEEE Explore Digital Library, SCOPUS, INSPEC.
- Omanovic S., Avdagic Z.: Modeling of Fuzzy-Neural Systems Using the Coevolutionary Algorithm, 12th WSEAS International Conference on FUZZY SYSTEMS (FS ’11) 2011 Brasov, ISBN: 978-960-474-292-9, paper ID 656-119, pp.49-53.  Indexation by: ACM Digital Library, INSPEC.
- Omanovic S., Avdagic Z., Konjicija S.: On-Line Evolving Clustering for Financial Statements’ Anomalies Detection, XXII ICAT 2009 Sarajevo, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP0991G-CDR, ISBN: 978-1-4244-4221-8, Library of Congress Number: 2009901940, paper ID 75.  Indexation by: IEEE Explore Digital Library, SCOPUS, INSPEC.


dusanka_boskovic  Ass. Prof. Dušanka Bošković D.Sc.

Research Areas: An advanced understanding of software development life cycle, including analysis, design, implementation, testing and software quality assurance. Practical understanding of the feasibility and complexity of informatics problems. Experience in selection of appropriate process models for software development projects and familiarity with the appropriate solution pattern. Have the benefit of communicating and working in a team comprising members with different professional background.

Latest three references:
- Boskovic, D; Avdagic, Z.; Cloning Fuzzy Inference System Component Behaviour with an Artificial Neural Network Component; MIPRO 2013 – 36th International Convention, Opatija, Croatia, May, 2013.
- Boskovic, D; Borovina, N.; Heuristic Evaluation in the Human Computer Interaction Course; MIPRO 2013 – 36th International Convention, Opatija, Croatia, May, 2013.
- Boskovic D., Avdagic Z., Besic I., Object-oriented integrated approach for the design of scalable ECG systems, MIE, volume 150 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics,IOS Press, 2009.


emir_buza  Ass.Prof. Emir Buza D.Sc

Research Areas: His main occupation is in the field of database systems and data mining. He currently works as the lecturer at Faculty of Electrical Engineering in the database systems

Latest three references:
- Emir Buza, Samir Omanovic, Alvin Huseinovic, Pothole Detection with Image Processing and Spectral Clustering, 2nd International Conference on Information Technology and Computer Networks (ITCN ’13) 2013 Antalya, WSEAS, pp. 48-53, october 2013
- Emir Buza, Zikrija Avdagic, Samir Omanovic, and Aida Hajdarpasic, Hybrid Algorithm for Clustering of Microarray Data, Proceedings of the 2014 Internacional Conference on Systems, Control, Signal Processing and Informatics II (SCSI’14) 2014 Prague, EUROPMENT, pp. 26-31, may 2014


muamer_kafadar  Ass. M.Sci. Muamer Kafadar

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence; Neural Networks and Fuzzy logic; IT Network Security solutions; Advanced IT infrastructure, High end solutions for high availability and critical demands.




ingmar_besic  Ass. Prof. Ingmar Bešić D.Sc.

  Research Areas: Computer Vision,3D Scanning, Intelligent Control


  Latest three references:
- Avdagic Z., Besic I., Buza E., Omanovic S.; Comparation of controllers based on Fuzzy Logic and Artificial Neural Networks for reducing vibration of the driver’s seat (2013) IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference) PP. 3382 – 3387 doi: 10.1109/IECON.2013.6699671
- Z Avdagic, N Odobasic, I Besic, D Boskovic, A Avdagic; Hybrid Intelligent System for Diagnosis of Dermatological Diseases Academic Journal of Science 2 (ISSN:2165-6282), 323-331
- Object-oriented integrated approach for the design of scalable ECG systems. D Boskovic, I Besic, Z Avdagic MIE, 625-629


 amila_akagic Ass. Prof. Amila Akagić D.Sc.

Research Areas:  Current research emphasis is heterogeneous computing, which is a computing model where one or more general-purpose processors are accelerated by one or more special-purpose co-processors. I have active research in the architectures, synthesis tools, and applications of reconfigurable hardware (specifically, FPGAs)

Latest three references:
- (journal) Akagic Amila and Hideharu Amano, Design and implementation of IP-based iSCSI Offload Engine on an FPGA, IPSJ Transactions on System LSI Design Methodology (TSLDM11), Vol. 6, No. 1, pp.112-121, Aug 2013.
- (journal) Akagic Amila and Hideharu Amano, High-Speed Fully-Adaptable CRC Accelerators, IEICE TRANS. INF. & SYST., Vol. E96, No. 6, pp.1299-1308, Jun 2013.
- Akagic Amila and Hideharu Amano, A study of adaptable co-processors for Cyclic Redundancy Check on an FPGA, International Conference on Field- Programmable Technology (FPT), 2012, pp. 119 – 124, Dec 2012, Seoul, (South) Korea



  Ass. M.Sci Vedad Letić

Research Areas: Calculus methods in Artificial Intelligence and Bioinformatics; Current research is based on enhanced dynamic modeling of ant colony optimization process based on predictive neural networks;


- Zikrija Avdagic, Aida Saracevic, Dino Keco, Aja Avdagic, Samir Omanovic, Emir Buza, Dusanka Boskovic, Vedad Letic, Tamer Bego, Modeling of computer aided simulator in control of nsclc treatment based on egfr gene mutations’ artificial neural network classifier and microarray expression analysis, Munich lung Conference 2013, CPC-Helmholtz Zentrum Munchen




  PhD. Lejla Begić Fazlić M.Sci

Research Areas: Bioinformatics, Artificial Intelligence


Latest three references:
- Z. Avdagić, L. BegićFazlić, H. Fatkić, Automatic Detection of CO Content in Smoke Condensate Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems, Inista 2007 (International Symposium on Inovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications).
- Zikrija Avdagic, LejlaBegicFazlic, SamimKonjicija: Optimized Detection of Tar Content in the Manufacturing Process Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems.MIE 2009: 615-619
- Lejla Begic Fazlic, Zikrija Avdagic, Detection of Nicotine Content Impact in Tobacco Manufacturing Using Computational Intelligence ,Ebook: e-Health Across Borders Without Boundaries; Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Volume 165, Pages 37 – 42



 Ass. M.Sci. Sabina Dacić 

Research Areas: Systems Design, Energy Networks, System and Economic Engineering


Latest three references:
- Sefic-Kasumovic S, Pavljasevic S, Dacic-Lepara S, Jankov M. The Results of Corneal Cross-linking in the Treatment of Keratoconus. Med Arh. 2013; 67(5): 372-373.
- Nišić F, Turković S, Nišić A, Halilović-Alimanović E, Lepara H, Dacić-Lepara S. Effects of laser photocoagulation treatment on visual acuity and retinal thickening in eyes with diabetic macular edema. Folia Medica 2012; 47 (1):34-41.
- Kasumovic SS, Pavljasevic S, Cabric E, Mavija M, Dacic-Lepara S, Jankov M. Correlation Between Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer and Disc Parameters in Glaucoma Suspected Eyes. Med Arh. 2014; 68(2): 113-116.



  Ass. Prof. Tamer Bego M.Sci.

Research Area: My subjects of interest are clinical genetics, and molecular diagnostics of complex diseases, especially Type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. During my career as research assistant, I have published 9 articles and had 26 poster presentations (published abstracts) at international congresses mainly in research area of genetics of diabetes and metabolic syndrome, pharmacogenetics of diabetes, association of inflammatory biomarkers and free fatty acids with diabetes and metabolic syndrome and effects of antiinflammatory drugs on viability and proliferation of lymphocyte cell culture. My focus in Doctoral research would be on genetic polymorphisms associated with Type 2 diabetes and response to therapy.

Latest three references:
- Dujic T., Bego T.,Mlinar B., Semiz S., Malenica M., Prnjavorac B., Ostanek B, Marc J., Causevic A. Effects of the PPARG gene polymorphisms on markers of obesity and the metabolic syndrome in Bosnian subjects. Journal of Medical Biochemistry 2014; 33:1-10
- Bego T., Dujic T., Mlinar B., Semiz S., Malenica M., Prnjavorac B., Ostanek B.,   Marc J., Causevic A., Association of PPARG and LPIN1 gene polymorphisms with metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. Med Glas Ljek komore Zenicko-doboj kantona, 2011. 8(1): p. 76-83.
- Prnjavorac B. Mujagic Z. Abduzaimovic K. Jukic J. Sejdinovic R. Mujaric E. Irejiz N. Dzuvo A. H. Jadric R. Causevic A. Semiz S. Bego T. Malenica M. Use of amino-terminal pro-B type natriuretic peptide as the parameter for long term monitoring of water overload in patient with chronic kidney diseases. Med Glas Ljek komore Zenicko-doboj kantona, 2011. 8(1): p. 116-120.



 Dr. Sci. dr. Orhan Lepara 

Research Area: Internal Medicine Specialist -Senior Teaching and Research Assistantat theFaculty of Medicine, Departmentof Human Physiology– Sarajevo University Master’s thesisentitled “The concentration of C-reactiveproteinandhomocysteinelevelsinpatientswith probableAlzheimer’s dementia” – Faculty of Medicine, Sarajevo University 2009. Doctoral thesis entitled”Assessment of the role of betaestradiolinoxidative stressin patientswith probableAlzheimer’sandvascular dementia” – Faculty of Medicine, Sarajevo University, January 2014. Specialistexamof theInternal Medicinepassedin July2013. Nine years of experience in teaching students of Medicine Faculty, Facultyof Dentistry, Faculty of Pharmacyand the Facultyof Health Studies. Asassociateparticipatedin an  internationalcollaborativeprojectSCOPES”Tight junctionsignalingin theadaptationofinsulingproducing beta-cells” within he spent several months in 2012at the Institute ofCell Physiologyand Metabolism, Faculty of Medicine in Genevaunder the leadership ofProf.Dr.PaoloMedafor the purpose ofpracticaltraining in themethodof polymerase chain reaction(PCR).

Latest three references:
- Connexin-dependent signaling in neuro-hormonal systems. Potolicchio I, Cigliola V, Velazquez-Garcia S, Klee P, Valjevac A, Kapic D, Cosovic E, Lepara O, Hadzovic-Dzuvo A, Mornjacovic Z, Meda P.Biochim Biophys Acta. 2012 Aug;1818(8):1919-36.
- Elevated serum homocysteine level is not associated with serum C-reactive protein in patients with probable Alzheimer’s disease. Lepara O, Alajbegovic A, Zaciragic A, Nakas-Icindic E, Valjevac A, Lepara D, Hadzovic-Dzuvo A, Fajkic A, Kulo A, Sofic E.J Neural Transm. 2009 Dec;116(12):1651-6.
- Elevated serum C-reactive protein concentration in Bosnian patients with probable Alzheimer’s disease. Zaciragic A, Lepara O, Valjevac A, Arslanagic S, Fajkic A, Hadzovic-Dzuvo A, Avdagic N, Alajbegovic A, Mehmedika-Suljic E, Coric G.J Alzheimers Dis. 2007 Sep;12(2):151-6.



  Ass.Prof. Aida Saračević D.Sc.

Research Areas: My current research is in the area of lung cancer, more specifically Epithelial Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR)  and miRNA expression and regulation in lung cancer. I am also working on improving the conditions for research and development at the medical school through three phases: higher education reform in the area of molecular medicine, the infrastructural development of the research facilities and the introduction of new research projects in molecular medicine. I am also closely cooperating with the Faculty of Engineering, University of Sarajevo on development of AI model systems for diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer.

Latest three references:
- Hajdarpasic A, Ruggenthaler P. Analysis of miRNA expression under stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. BJBMS 2012.
- Hajdarpasic A. Lung cancer through EGFR and miRNA regulation. BJBMS 2012; minireview. (prep. for submission)
- Fornage M, Boerwinkle E, Hajdarpasic A, Doris PA. From rats to humans: Identification of genes contributing to target organ damage in hypertension. SHR Society Abstract 2004.



  MSc Aja Avdagić

Research Areas: Hybrid intelligent system for diagnosis and prediction of diseases in field of health technology and informatics


Latest three references:
- Lejla Begic Fazlic; Aja Avdagic;Prediction of lung nicotine concentration based on novel GA-ANFIS system approach, Information, Communication and Automation Technologies (ICAT), 2015 XXV International Conference on, 2015, Pages: 1 – 6, DOI: 10.1109/ICAT.2015.7340520, Referenced in: IEEE Conference Publications,INSPEC
- Begic Fazlic L, Avdagic A, Besic I, Prediction of Heart Attack Risk Using GA-ANFIS Expert System Prototype, , DOI 10.3233/978-1-6149-516-6292.Pages 292-294.Series: Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Ebook:Volume 211:pHealth 2015. article/39273, PUBMED, SCOPUS,
- Avdagic , Z. Odobasic, N. Boskovic, D. Besic, I. Avdagic, A. (2013) Hybrid Intelligent System for Diagnosis of Dermatological Diseases, Academic Journal of Science,Volume 02, Number 02, Pages 232-331, ISSN: 2165-6282,



  Dipl. ing. telecom. Jaume Gimeneze

Research Areas: Neuropsyhological process modelling in behavioural neurology that studies the neurological basis of behavior, memory, and cognition, the impact of neurological damage and disease upon these functions, and the treatment thereof




  PharmD Kora Avdagić

Research Areas: Post graduate Specialty Clinical Pharmacy Resident – Psychiatry/Neurology


- Begic Fazlic L, Avdagic K, Omanovic SGA-ANFIS Expert System Prototype for Prediction of Dermatological Diseases. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2015;210:622-6., PUBMED
- Modeling of voting expert system prototype in classification of acid-base disorders E. Beganovic; K. Avdagic , Information, Communication and Automation Technologies (ICAT), 2015 XXV International Conference on Year: 2015, Pages: 1 – 8, DOI: 10.1109/ICAT.2015.7340529, INSPEC,



  PharmD Zoran Čoralić

Research Areas: Emergency Medicine Clinical Pharmacist


Latest three references:
- Coralic Z, Kim SA, Vinson DR. Prochlorperazine-Induced Hemidystonia Mimicking Acute Stroke. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2015;16(4):1-3.
- Burnett MM, Zimmermann L, Coralic Z, Quon T, Whetstone W, Kim AS. A simple text-messaging intervention is associated with improved door-to-needle times for acute ischemic stroke. Stroke. 2014 Dec;45(12):3714-6.
- Coralic Z, Kanzaria HK, Bero L, Stein J. Staff perceptions of an on-site clinical pharmacist program in an academic emergency department after one year. West J Emerg Med. 2014 Mar;15(2):205-10.



 Ass. MSc. Sabina Muratović

Research Areas: Bioinformatics and Artificial Intelligence